This app never made it into the App Store, and therefore will remain to be Seldom Seen; and that's okay! I learned a lot from this experience that I would like to share.
Seldom Seen Park is a text based adventure game that allows users to navigate around a park to college objects, clues, etc. to locate a person who has been lost in the park for a couple days. Each screen has three options for the player to select and play the game.
Concise! The app is a single view controller app where the storyline information and player interaction updates the view. The storyline is all held within a database allowing the entire app to be less than 200 lines of code.
When I attempted to place the app within the App Store, I received back a rejection for Minimum Functionality. I communicated the game style, theme, and goals were to be just that. Their reply was basically that it was not entertaining enough for the App Store. That's when I knew the testers and reviewers weren't going to budge for adding a Zork type of game.
I enjoyed the ability to free think about the interdependencies between the information storage needs and the demands within the code to create the game. I also enjoyed the collaboration with my Brother-In-Law to create a suspenseful storyline. I met my goals of creating a concise text-based game, but unfortunately it will remain Seldom Seen.